Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Start of a new year and another oldies favourite (well at least my favourite :) ). Merril Bainbridge - Mouth. Until now they still plays this song on Mix.FM and after some hard long research, I found out that it was published in 1996; that is what, 12 years ago? The same age of my car. Anyway, please enjoy it:

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Welcoming 2009 and 1430 Hijrah...

MeiLan :)
Selamat Menyambut Awal Muharram, tahun Hijrah 1430. Happy New Year to all. Either its the new year according to Islamic calendar or the Georgian's, don't lose yourself out there. And please drive safely if you are planning to balik kampung or get out of town for a nice holiday. I know many of you will be taking your first ever annual leave for 2009 on Friday, I am too :D

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Season's Greetings...

I'm a bit late, but I guess it's never too late to offer my best wishes to all who celebrate it. Merry Christmas everyone. Here's a little something that is festive and put that little bit of smile on your lips :)

Friday, December 19, 2008

Not so Oldies...

Hmmm, lama jugak tak update blog ni. I admit I got entangle in something a bit complicated (and still am) but rest assured, I am still myself and continue being so. Just that time restraint and the launch of a few games cut my blogging time (hey after all, I blog when I got nothing to do, don't we all :D). Anyway, just to fill in December, here's some more oldies song for your entertainment dear visitors.

The Verve Pipe - The Freshman. I got this song from an acquintance's ringtone and somehow knew it was familiar. When properly listened to, I remembered that this song used to be in an advertisement or something. Betul ke? Err, tolong betulkan kalau salah ok? :P

Satu lagi nih dari Everclear, which brought you the wonderful, wonderful Wonderful song, which I still enjoy until today. I think I've saw the videoclip of this song back a long, long time ago and try to search for it but I forgot that Youtube will have any videos that your heart desires :) Presenting; Everclear - AM Radio: