Friday, December 19, 2008

Not so Oldies...

Hmmm, lama jugak tak update blog ni. I admit I got entangle in something a bit complicated (and still am) but rest assured, I am still myself and continue being so. Just that time restraint and the launch of a few games cut my blogging time (hey after all, I blog when I got nothing to do, don't we all :D). Anyway, just to fill in December, here's some more oldies song for your entertainment dear visitors.

The Verve Pipe - The Freshman. I got this song from an acquintance's ringtone and somehow knew it was familiar. When properly listened to, I remembered that this song used to be in an advertisement or something. Betul ke? Err, tolong betulkan kalau salah ok? :P

Satu lagi nih dari Everclear, which brought you the wonderful, wonderful Wonderful song, which I still enjoy until today. I think I've saw the videoclip of this song back a long, long time ago and try to search for it but I forgot that Youtube will have any videos that your heart desires :) Presenting; Everclear - AM Radio:

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