Thursday, August 21, 2008

Entahlah dude strikes back...

Feeling a bit down today and damn confuse as well. Hmmm, konpius tuh dari beberapa minggu yang lepas, tapi down tuh ari nih. Ni la akibatnya kalo minatkan gula. Banyak pulak semut-semut lain yang datang menghurung. Anyway apa-apa pon down hari nih aku sedar agak pointless. Just male hormon taking charge kot. Hormon tak balance sangat ari nih kot :P.

Kepada 26-9-13-1, I am not a fool rushing in. Your friendship is more important than any lovestruck feeling so I will not be hasty. My method is still the same. From friendship, the feeling of love I believe will grow slowly. If you're reading this, please give me a chance to prove myself. Wait for just a little while so that I may build up myself. Yela orang baru keje proper, what do you expect? Again if you're reading this, please give me any hint. I know I am sometimes a little bit blur. Anyway, please wait ok? (Cis, mcm ada org gelak jer kat belakang tuh. Cis :P)

Aku sedar pon yg method aku selama nih agak slow and unconventional. I am comfortable with using a YM or any IM to strike conversation. I am not comfy on calling anyone, except for people that I am really close to. I even prefer using SMS than calling. But behind all that lies the reason that I believe, that I am being thoughtful. Aku kurang gemar dan aku percaya yang orang kurang gemar dpt call or strike phone conversation malam2 buta. Except if their love ones calling. And tu yang aku tak sure tuh. So I hope we have an understanding.

P.S- Kepada member2 gamers, otaku militari & politikus skalian, jangan risau. Walaupun 1-2 posts kebelakangan nih agak beremosi dan jiwang, tp rakan anda ini tetap seorang gamers yang minat hal2 militari & politik dlm dan luar negeri. Percayalah. Dia akan kembali :)

P.S II - Please treat this posting as a "luahan rasa hati". One must understand, being me is like being an unofficial counselor. Keje aku adalah mendengar rintihan2 hati member sampaikan bila time aku, maybe aku kena jumpa real kaunselor kot, kekeke...


Anonymous said...

Encryption ko senang sangat, baik tak yah pakai camtu. Buat nampak lagi jiwang ada la, kekeke.

Tapi apa-apa hal pun, aku ucapkan selamat berjuang di arena yang penuh pancaroba ini.


Be a man, hold your head high; there is no shame in it because we are already at that age. Perseverance is the key to success!

p.s.: I'm not a fan of post midnite calls either. Unless the person is in different time zone, I dont give a fraking hoot about it, be it loved ones or not.

Doughlicious Cafe said...

ler. aku bg kat member2, semua pon confuse, tak tau camana nak decode. ko senang jer crack, military spy ka? kekeke...

tu la, you're right my friend, preseverance is the key. nah, this is a once a year punya benda nih. lepas nih tenggelam ler balik aku dlm dunia pc games, politics dgn military...:)

thanx for the encouragement bro. really helps.