Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Malaysian Social Contract

I've always been a firm believer of the Malaysian Social Contract agreed by our forefathers before independence. I've said this and I will never stop saying such:

"The Malays have been here for thousand of years as we are the people of this land here. We're as legitimate as the Indians to India or Chinese to China. Therefore we have no basis to abolish the supremacy of the Malay rules and with this responsibility, we will try our best to be fair to other races and religion and will try to keep this country as harmonious and multicultural as possible. To all skeptics out there, you won't be able to find another fair country like Malaysia"

For those who still don't understand what I am trying to convey here or the concept the Malaysian Social contract, here's an excellent explanation by the ex-PM of Malaysia, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, which by the way, inspired this short article.


Anonymous said...

Taknak komen ke pasal debat Ahmad Shabery Cheek dengan Anwar hari tu? Teringin juga nak tahu pendapat anda.

Doughlicious Cafe said...

Hmmm, sebenarnya tengah dalam proses menulis satu artikel yang takde kena-mengena dengan politik. Tengok la camana. Tapi syabas diucapkan kepada kedua-dua pihak kerana berdebat secara bertamadun (lebih ditujukan kepada penyokong-penyokong yang berada di dewan debat terbabit)...

Anonymous said...

post yang agak menarik. Dia membincangkan mengenai hak dan ketuanan Melayu didalam politik Malaysia.