In light of Edz's posting here, I also did some modification to my desktop. Now take a guess. Is this a Vista or some other abomination? Thanks Edz, you've revitalized my desktop. And Rexx too, for giving me the idea of the wallpaper auto-changer.
P.S- Alamak, kantoi lagu...:P
Notes - The topmost image is what my desktop looks like now. I'm using Google Desktop and Stardock. Niceee...
The font is a dead giveaway. XP with Longhorn visual style and Konfabulator or better known as Yahoo! widget.
Lol @ diablo 2 torrent. Need something to occupy yourself while waiting for d3 to come out, eh? :P
p.s: apesal takleh post sebagai anonymous atau option utk tulis nama sendiri?
leceh la kena login.
Correctus, sir. Tapi aku dah tukar kepada Google Desktop pasal Yahoo! Widgets banyak benda yg tak berfungsi. Tgk ler lepas nih main2 pulak dgn Desktop X ker...:)
woot!! nice!! Aku prefer google sidebar sbnarnyer, tapi disebabkan malas nak install, pakai je la vista sidebar.
Ada theme yang tiru sebijik Vista, tapi lupe apa nama dia.
eh? ler...aku ingatkan ko atas yuh edz...who are you sir? adibus? owh, aku dah tukar google desktop dgn guna stardock :)...
nice desktop...tu je
Atomic kitten? What the fudge? (takleh mencarut kan :P)
And, no sir. That dude definitely not adibus
"love thy girl groups/singers song for their chickness, and their songs, if thy felt applicable :)".
mencarut? nah, thats only for political induced vulgarities. thats why I moderate it. for mundane everyday usage, feel free to :P...
hampeh, nak main diablo II pon dgn semua tuh pasang mmg hampeh lag. especially bila graphic card mcm hampeh. hampeh, hampeh...
Kiranya as long as politics are not involved, Carlin punya seven words boleh digunakan la? :P
Upgrade je la PC ko. Tak cukup duit, you can always sell your soul to the devil (unless ko dah lama dah jual macam aku)
aku nak beli jer pc baru, psl aku dah kira2 nak bg jer pc nih kat adik aku. tgk ler kalo ada peruntukan...
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