Saturday, January 31, 2009


Kejap jer dah masuk bulan dua. Sebelum apa2, aku ingin mengucapkan Selamat Tahun Baru Cina kepada member2 yg berbangsa Cina. Dah lama tak menjenguk korang. I wonder if they still remember me?

I just got the news from PTPTN that I would be required to pay the full amount for my loans as the result of my negligence of not starting to payback when required. In my defense, when the letter came I was already changed my address to Salak Tinggi area while in PTPTN record I was still living in Subang Jaya. Well the blame came back to me of why did I not changed my address when I should be? OK, the blame gets back to me, yup :( Apa2 pon, rasanya aku kena buat personal loan untuk bayar balik but fortunately I only borrowed less than RM10K so it shouldn't be that much of a burden. Time to start playing with the calculator...

Kecoh sekarang dengan cerita panjenayah mati di dalam lokap. As I was concerned with that recent development, I really felt that it was an unnecessary tantrum that the Indian community is throwing over the death of a single criminal in custody. As the authority are still investigating the death, I really hope that everybody keep their emotions in check and wait for the outcome. I believe our police and the justice system is fair, the individuals who was responsible for his death (if it is proven that he's death was from abuse) will be brought before a judge and prosecute. And after all, other races has also experienced death in lock ups but takde pulak sesapa buat bising. Please, you all are not helping with the racial strain we are experiencing these few years.

I thought with my majority of siblings are on the feminine side, I should be able to understand women in-depth, it seems that I indeed lack that understanding. Now I'm in some kind of confused and confounded state and the only thing that I can do is...well, go with the flow? Ah, I don't even know what to do. Women are indeed creatures from Venus. To yours truly, I sebenarnya still tengah keliru nih. Are you interested or are you not? Or I got excited too early? Are you really mad (becoz of that incident) and in a way; "punishing" me by this act of cold shouldering and waiting for me to pujuk? I must confess here that I am bad, truly bad in appeasing angry souls, especially women. So please tell me something becoz I really, really don't have the slightest idea and this guessing game is taking its toll on me...penat siot...


aH kYe yUm said...

salam singgah bro!!
biasa la hidop.. dugaan pasti kan mendatang!! :)

btw, nice written! :)

keep it up!!

Doughlicious Cafe said...

aku ingat apek maner ler komen kat blog aku nih masa aku dpt acknowledgment e-mel tu. rupa2nyer ko, kekeke.

yeah, aku tak sakit sgt pon skarang nih (bak kata org; kurang pasrah) tp aku still confuse coz dia still tanak explain apa2. i mean pls la be direct coz it is nice to do that. i will accept anything she has to say about me.

anyway thx for the comments and jemput2 ler dtg slalu :D