Arguing. Man, I hate arguing. I really do. I really hate it that it even defines me, the man that I've became now. A dude that doesn't argue and if I do, usually it won't last long as I will take note and give weak acknowledgment to any counter arguments that I've received, believing that there's a small truth to them even as I scrambled home and researching more about the subject of the argument in the cyberspace.
But in reality, if I argue, I want to win(Ok, I am like everybody else. Unique :P). I just hate to spoil a perfect day by arguments, and in the end, everyone leave for home with a bitter taste in their mouth and a cloudy mind. For people who don't know what I'm like at home, I like to argue a lot, people. Yes I do. Just ask my mom or my sister. My dad even. From my deductions, if you fall into arguments with family members, it is easier to recover and mend relations. With friends, usually arguments will turn into a stand off, or worse, an insults throwing competition and to later stages will bring you to strained relations, more so if you're arguing with people who couldn't keep their emotions in check (By the way to detect people who has let their emotions do their arguing, just take a deep look at their eyes. They will try their very best to evade your stares. Really I am not kidding)
That is why, although I am a person who likes to argue in my family circle, will avoid arguing with friends or co-worker. Even though as some people said that they don't take heart of the arguments or will not let emotions cloud their mind up, they actually do! So people, better safe than sorry...
One more thing I want to touch is talking big. Or in what I like to call it in Malay; Cerita K**e. Ok, there are two understanding of Cerita K**e. One is a lie and that lie made into a big exaggeration and is public understanding of Cerita K**e and another kind is the true story but exaggerated to a portion until you feel exhausted from restraining yourself from saying something smart that probably...no, most definitely will stop the story teller from continuing his/her Cerita K**e.
Please people, I am tired of hearing grand tales that's too good to be true. Remember, I am your friend! It is understandable if you are trying to impress a stranger or a girl but again, I am your friend. And a dude. I will never be impressed by grand stories. No, I do not want to discourage my friends from telling me stories or their adventures ever again but I do hope that they tell me the real, true stories. Without embellishments or exaggeration. Remember, to gain respects from your dudes or dudettes, don't exaggerate your stories into Cerita K**e, ok?
But... arguing is what separating man from animal :P
But Rexx, arguing is so exhausting.
P.S- I thought our thumbs are what separating us from animals? :)
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