Fuel. My first posting in this brand new blog and I write about fuel. These few days fuel is a hot topics for Malaysian. No need to guess, but for the uninitiated, fuel price in Malaysia has gone up (well, well, what a surprise! Says them in Singapore, Thailand and a few others moderately and modern nations). From RM1.92 to RM2.70++. People will compare me with a broken record for saying this but...the price is still low people! But first, for those using vulgar words cursing me when they read this posting by this part, well, the same vulgar words to you back. I don't force you to read my blog posts so if you can't use the brain-containing-skull God has given you to think like a scholar and a gentleman, the Home browser button is up there; give it a push and it will magically take you away from this seems-to-be-offensive-blog-to-you.
Ok, continuing to fuel, I have friends who drives a smaller engine capacity car than me and yet cursing and bitching like there's no tomorrow. Funny thing that they seems to earn a lot more than me. Hmmm...Anyway, for them there is one advice from this humble person to them: "Start planning on buying an electric car or at least a hybrid ones". Fuel price is rising and looking at the depleting oil reserves, it will never go down. Jangan ler nak bermimpi kalo tukar government bole turunkan harga minyak. What do you expect? That they will give the first 20 litre of fuel for free every month? In your dreams, thank you.
So, instead of screaming vulgarity to those who likes to, I purpose some..ah...solutions for those who feels that the increase of fuel price has taken quite a toll on their pockets, wallets or purses. (Or you can be cool like me, absorb the hikes and still pay my study loans, give some to my mum, divide some for savings, spend some on a shopping and even go out once a week for movies or fooling around :P) Ok, here goes:
1) Be creative, go for public transports. It's a little hard to swallow but people who uses public transports everyday are some of the most creative and resourceful that I've met during my era of using buses and trains to work. They can predict accurately which buses or trains arrives at what time (given that the current state of public transport services in Malaysia), take an alternative route and still arrives at places of destination at the same time using other routes, sleep soundly and arrived fresh even when its a 5 minutes journey ride. Not to mention its good for you who doesn't exercise much; all the walking and pushing is good workout plus you can train to blunt out your smelling senses, especially if there's any foreigners who smelt a little on the strong side in a packed buses/trains on a hot, humid day. And another plus side to those who feels strongly about the environment; types who likes to go green, rejoice, for that you have contribute less carbon monoxides by going for public transport. And not to mention its much, much more cheaper plus you get to have your own driver; albeit sharing him/her with all who rides with you :)
2) For those of you stubborns and can still can take the hikes with head held high, one advice: Don't be a show offs. Showing off on roads has more bad to it than good. It's dangerous, people will definitely won't be impress by your antics, you will be looked down upon and it takes toll on your fuel. Showing off means pressing the accelerator and pressing it harder means more fuel be needed to power up your car quickly and more fuel means more money down the drain. Why can't everyone drive gently without showing off? At least do that on a freeway or get involved in motor racing, much more satisfying or at least be a gamer, spend a little on good gaming rig complete with racing game accessories and you will have a great time showing off, in a game that is highly competitive and driven by showing off, but you won't offend people, at least not on the road :)
3) Change to a smaller engine capacity car. I would suggest a Perodua Kelisa but because they only got second hands of that car now, try your luck on Myvi or Savvy. Average performance cars, quite comfy not to mention spacious and it saves fuel. Imagine spending below RM70 a week on fuel to and back from work. And please practice point number 2 while you are at it. Tak guna jugak kalo keter jenis save fuel tapi cara pemanduan out...Support lar kereta tempatan dey! :P
So folks, thats some of the alternatives that I can think off for you to save fuel during this hard times. Also I would like to propose to the government to implement fuel subsidy by differentiating salaries so that people (notice that I use the word people humbly, without any political motives :P) will feel not feel the burden too much and blame the government less than before. Maybe its hard to implement for a start but later it will be very beneficial as do all good things tend to be...Happy Driving...and refuelling...
HAHAHAHAHAHA........ AL dah ada blog baru. Canteeeek!!!!!....ko buat kat friendster susah nk kritik.... Anyway, get back to the current issues, actually aku agree ngan idea ko regarding our oil prices compare to other countries are much more lower. But, the problem is, our cost of living are much more lower than them. Macam mana nk hidup bai?? duit diorang 1 Sing Dollar = RM 2.20...and some more our stupid government pg floating kiter punya currency sbb tu duit kite jadi rendah(will debate regarding this later, sbb byk sgt nnt serupa je aku tulis blog kt blog ko). And our currency actually base with US dollar. And US right now are going to have a recession. Mampus Malaysia lepas ni. Its gonna be another 97/98 crisis the Comeback. I don't think with the current leadership, the government can counter this issues efficiently as Mahathir regime did during the crisis. Asyik mimpi siang je, mcm mana nak selamat kan Negara. Anyway, the point is, they way our government handle this country is like letting your monkey driving your car. Okla, enough with the oil issue, like it or not still kena bwk keta gak. Tunggu la scientist buat kereta pakai air utk ganti minyak . Okla Al, Love your idea on the 'fuel saving' scheme and nice blog. Will add more comment in your next blog. Hehehehe..
jom tukar ngv. murah sket nk ulang alik putrajaya - shah alam.
tula, limited ler friendster punyer. posting jer mesti ada problem. anyway thx for the comments kengkawan. NGV? buleh2, tp tunggu station minyak tambah lg ler pam dier...
NGV? pfft. Masing masing kan dah lepas level 40 (except Ilya :P)
So apa lagi? mount la
Hmmm...this is even better. RM625 divide by RM2.70 equals to 231.5 liters of petrol. 231.5 divide by 12 months equals to 19.3 liters of petrol. 19.3 liters of petrol subsidized by the Malaysian Government every month to Malaysian who have cars below 2000cc every month. Even better than the purposed free 20 meter cubic of water every month by the Selangor Government which hasn't start at all...yet...:)
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