Friday, July 25, 2008

Updates: 26/7/2008

Politically all is quiet for now. Except for the "alternative newspapers and web portals" (read: slander news; take it or leave it :p) the front page of all major newspaper in Malaysia seems to revert back to news before the Anwar Sodomy Investigations with the actual investigation is still going on but that seems not to garner the attention of newsmen all over the country (well, not yet anyway). Either its the calm before the storm or the storm is in its calm mode, as long as the Altantuyaa and Anwar cases haven't been resolved it is going to brew for quite a while.

Meanwhile day by day the Bar Council seems to shed its neutrality and going on along the opposition's highway. One advise to them: Members that have political leanings to either side should stop being a member and join the political parties. I don't understand much but the impression seems to be that the Bar Council should be neutral as it represents the lawyers all over and lawyers shouldn't take sides professionally accept then they are involved in their cases. I don't care if in personal they favor one political party or another, but if you are in your lawyer professionalism mode, please refrain from issuing political statements. It's misleading and give all lawyers bad impression.

For fuel users out there, this might be a good news: Hydrofuel. From what I've read and heard, the hydrofuel concept is the addition of water in fuel to assist in more efficient burning. Using a powerful sonic wave emitter, water is split to it's molecular level ie. hydrogen and oxygen which will then be used in the combustion process. It is touted to save fuel consumption by 50%. Because it is still new and the explanation is still unclear (or I haven't read as much as I thought :P) for starters have a look at the company's website that's developing the system in Malaysia: Hydrogen Fuel Industries (M)

All and all everything seems to be quite so far, but you'll never know...Just wait and see :)...


Anonymous said...

If this thing really works as advertised, government should at least give financial assistance to this instead of subsidizing the petrol and not to mention we will also save a lot of tax money since we don't have to subsidize them foreigners (thais/s'poreans) that drives their monstrous SUVs/pickup trucks/luxury cars , too.

I'm all for abolishing 'artificially' low price. Like an old Malay saying :

"Bersusah-susah dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian."

Oil ain't going to last forever. Better use the money to invest in our country's competitiveness and human's resource. This is the things that will help us out once we ran out of oil money.

With many people fighting to get a hold of this country premiership. The future seems bleak. No, don't get me wrong. I'm all for good competition, a healthy one ,that is, but what happening at the moment disgust me. I'm sick with incompetent pricks who don't know shit, pretend to look smart but end up talking cock. I'm sick of arrogant bastards. When can we have a great captain whom can steer this ship back on the right course?

p.s.: Website HFI tu nampak kurang memberangsangkan. Patut hire aku sebagai designer. kekeke.

L said...

the bar council is js being "logically critical", & "logically professional", thus, "funnily", makes them to be "at the oppositions' side" :)

how abt the police then?

the AG?

fark them. :)

Doughlicious Cafe said...

tak abis2 ler ko dgn "fark" them. kalo marah pon takde ker bahasa yg sedap pon bole guna? aku loya gak dgn si anwar, "barisan rakyat" and apa2 bullshiter bloggers tp takde ler pulak aku nak "fark" them? berpolitik ler secara matang wei...

Doughlicious Cafe said...

that's why. oil would not last forever. aku mmg menyokong abolishing subsidies little by little. dan tak bole tidak, gov mmg kena naikkan kualiti public transport. i won't mind using the public transport for travelling at all. tp kena efficient ler, kekeke.

lets not call it bleak. lets call it a little chaotic for the moment. at one side, we got an ex-pm who vouched for people not to nominate his successor that he himself appointed earlier. at the other side, we got an ex-dpm who for unknown reasons would do anything in his capacity to be the pm. (but i suspect that he wants to convert proud malaysia to "US-Kowtowing-Slave").

i must confess that the impression on pak lah since he took the reins of power is that he is a weak pm, at least weaker than dr m. but dr m was a very powerful leader who got the respect of all the races in malaysia and world leaders. and he's a dynamic man who thinks long term, rather than what I believed is short-term thinking done by pak lah.

anyway he's going to pass the baton to najib by 2010. lets hope najib is a strong leader. anwar? he got his chance in 1998. sesaper yg still vouch utk dia tuh lupakan jer ler weh...:P

tu la psl. website tuh tak nmpk dynamic. susah nak convince investor camnih...kekeke

L said...

well, nk wat cane..diorg mmg farkers ape :p

-> dsai mati2 nk try jd PM, for "unkown reasons"?

=> buta politik/Realities ke? :p

-> massfarking-medias x abeh2 buat report konon2 dsai x co-op dgn polis

=> y polis tnk bg polis report saifulfarkingfaggot tu? supaya leh manipulate the report? farking conspirators :)

-> nape nk fresh DNA?

=> sbb nk letak DNA tu @ saifulfarkingfaggot? obvious conspiracy.

-> najib nye statement x pnh jmpe altantuya, ko caye ke? ingat lg cane statement najib bile mula2 org tye die psl saifulfarkingfaggot, & the developments abt dat, few days after dat? ko rse rakyat caye ke dgn najibmongolianfarker & rosmahbeitch? :)

-> polis/ag sume tu ko rse neutral ke? :)

Doughlicious Cafe said...

yeah. :)

Doughlicious Cafe said...

anyway, syed hamid baru jer umumkan investigation dah abis. take a deep breath, put on your sanest thinking cap and duduk kalo tgh berdiri. kita sama2 dgr either the prosecutor nak dakwa atau tak.