Mengalami jem yang agak teruk dalam perjalanan balik tadi (keluar dari tempat kerja pukul 6 sampai rumah 8 pm). Ya, kepada sesiapa yang hendak tahu, aku selalu menggunakan Elite Highway pergi dan balik dari kerja. Dari Putrajaya > Elite Highway > Tol Ebor Selatan (sebelum ni dikenali sebagai Tol Batu 3 sebab keluar dekat kawasan Batu 3) > Federal Highway > Shah Alam (melalui overbridge sebelah SACC). Dari Shah Alam pula, keluar dari Bangunan SUK ke either roundabout dekat Kelab Shah Alam atau overbridge sebelah SACC > Federal Highway > overbridge naik ke Batu 3 > Elite Highway (sekali lagi melalui Tol Ebor Selatan) > Putrajaya. So, anyone who bears a grudge with me can wait in ambush with a sniper rifle near those routes or just plant a remote IED :P.
Anyway, just wandering. Why is it every rainy days, there is always traffic jams? Pelik dan ajaib aku. Not to mention countless accidents and wait, this is a good one; kereta rosak! Fine, tak pelik bila tengah-tengah hujan tapi kenapa dekat traffic light atau simpang-simpang or paling syok, jalan 2 lane atau 1 lane. Peh, nikmat menunggu jem reda dalam kereta sambil pasang MP3 kuat-kuat. Face it, bila lagi selalu kita dapat meluangkan masa bersendirian dalam kereta dengan kaki sakit menekan pedal sambil ditemani lagu-lagu yang berulang-ulang atau selection lagu-lagu yang tiba-tiba menjadi bosan di stesen radio? Bila lagi? Betul tak?
I don't understand Malaysian drivers. We speed up when required to be slow and slowed down when speediness is important. We Malaysians are truly gifted with the ability to interpret something simple into a reverse psychological complicated matters. If this is a sign of mutation, then I hope that my not yet manifested power is the ability to understand women better :D.
To all, drive carefully this raining season ok?
"Anyway, just wandering. Why is it every rainy days, there is always a traffic jams? Pelik dan ajaib aku. Not to mention countless accidents and wait, this is a good one; kereta rosak!"
Why else? Murphy's Law of course :P
it's normal. visibility is one of the common factor why people drive cautiously (read:slow) during a downpour. the water sprays from the car infront of you can be really annoying.
plus, you tyres can easily lose traction when you hit a water puddle while traveling at a high speed. it's called hydroplaning.
Accidents happen when one ignores one or more of the above. that or one just ignore the water level and brave through it. kekeke.
tu la psl. habit kegemaran orang kiter nih bawak2 laju2 time hujan kat federal/state road pulak tuh. or ignoring the facts yg kereta sentiasa ada kat depan. and please, please, please, tgk2 selalu air kereta tuh. kadang2 tu jer penyebab kereta rosak tepi jalan (termasuk aku ler :P). and yes, the always occuring possibility of murphy's law :P
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