Saturday, August 8, 2009
27; there's still time for you...
Yup, 27 today. I really meant what I put at my FB status. 27 but feels like 17. Don't let appearance fools you. All the 27-40 male demographics are still boys. Even when we have kids, we are still boys. Only the resposibility to family life binds us to reality, but thats it. Deep down, every macho man, every prideful lions and every braggers are actually boys at heart. To all wifes out there, you know how your man behaves right? They are worse when they are 'free' of you :p
2 years ago when I reached 25 I promised myself that I will fix some of my weaknesses and fullfill some dreams that I was thinking back there. After a little walk of reflection yesterday (drive actually), I realized that I've got so much more to do. I promised myself that I will be happily married by 28 (next year? wow, time flies) which was pushed to 30 because of financial concerns of myself and my family, I vow to cure myself of 'anxiety when around lots of people' but I merely contained it and I dreamed to start becoming an entreprenaur and own my own business, but all that I have know is skills that I used seldomly to earn me some RMs now and then.
But in spite of all this I still hold on to the word of wisdom; "Kita hanya merancang, Tuhan juga menentukan". So I'm not too worried not having to fullfill all my wishes just after 2 short years. These things take time and remember that God has charted all the path of our lives, but of course we have to made it happen. But just don't be too hard on ourselves when it didn't go as planned. Give it time and have a lots of patience. This is what I reminded myself everytime.
Dah bunyi macam pep talk lar pulak :p Anyway it's 12.15 am already and I got a long day tomorrow so until next time...
Monday, July 27, 2009
Anansi Boys?

"You aren't scared of limes, are you?" asked Charlie, before remembering that he'd given the lime to Daisy.
The creature laughed, scornfully. "I," it said, "am frightened of nothing."
"Nothing." it said.
Charlie said, "Are you extremely frightened of nothing?"
"Absolutely terrified of it," admitted the Dragon.
"You know," said Charlie, "I have nothing in my pockets. Would you like to see it?"
"No," said the Dragon, uncomfortably, "I most definitely would not."
There was a flapping of wings like sails, and Charlie was alone on the beach. "That," he said, "was much too easy."
Taken from the book 'Anansi Boys' by Neil Gaiman
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Of July posting...
Now, work updates. The project which I am tied for my contract will end this coming December. Basically most of the buildings have already be constructed and now what's left are cabling and wiring works. Also installation of window panes and doors and permanent utilities. I and my superior have made it our habit to go to KL every 15th of the month for software evaluation and since many ICT equipments are already in place; go for site inspection every week. So workload has increase tenfold not to mention the ICT unit are expected to dish out fancy niceties that uses computer to create for every occasion that JKR Selangor has. Can't complain, well won't complain because we are just mercenaries that get paid to be cannon fodders eh? :) Anyway, by end of Decembers its either pack your things up or continue to work there; which I don't care very much which is which. You will get job if you are willing to work hard enough.
Love life updates. I am still as hopeless as Mr Bean on love life. Some of my friends will tie up the knot next year and a few has already got engaged (this coming 25th another one). Me? I am still single that is between available and not. Some people will say that you're almost approaching 30; so you cannot be choosy anymore but I beg to differ. My life so its my choice. Right now a girl that I've known for many years has won my heart but unfortunately it seems that I've yet to won her heart. The problem with me is that I am a monogamist :D Well at least I don't do makciks :P
I am thinking of buying a car next year and being a modest income worker, will opt for a local car. Since I always like sedan type of car, Perodua is out of the question (Rafik, sorry dude). So after a lot of thinking, I've arrived to the conclussion; Pesona or Saga? The former is indeed quite powerful with a 1.6 engine but then again a 1.3 engine car will saves fuel in the long run. Decision, decisions...
Politically, I think people who made accusations and assumptions about the death of Teoh Beng Hock (my condolonce to his family) are bullshit. Come on lar, let the police finish up their investigations. If you say that in the end it won't matter because the police will cover it up then you are double bullshit. Just get off my face please. So far Malaysia under Najib is well and making a comeback since the era of Dr M. A hearty clap to the opposition for their internal strife and management problems at states under them. You all did too much politicking than working, padan muka.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Rotan jangan tak rotan...
Taken from Mingguan Malaysia; Sunday, 10th May 2009:
Kembalikan hukuman rotan
BATU PAHAT 9 Mei – Hukuman rotan akan diperkenalkan semula ke atas pelajar yang didapati melanggar disiplin, terlibat dalam kes pergaduhan dan buli di sekolah.
Bagaimanapun, menurut Timbalan Menteri Pelajaran, Dr. Mohd. Puad Zarkashi, hukuman tersebut hanya boleh dilaksanakan selepas mendapat persetujuan Peguam Negara.
Katanya, hukuman rotan itu juga jika diluluskan kelak, tidak boleh dilaksanakan sewenang-wenangnya.
Guru-guru yang hendak merotan pelajar, tegas beliau, perlu mematuhi garis panduan dan prosedur yang ditetapkan oleh Peguam Negara.
Langkah berhati-hati itu, katanya, untuk mengelak pihak sekolah atau guru disaman oleh ibu bapa.
‘‘Kita berharap cadangan yang telah dikemukakan kepada Peguam Negara itu mendapat maklum balas sebelum akhir tahun ini.
‘‘Hukuman ini bukan untuk mendera tetapi mendidik para pelajar,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas melancarkan Program Skim Khairat Percuma Sesi 2009/2010 anjuran Parlimen Batu Pahat di Dewan Senggarang di sini, hari ini.
Beliau berkata, walaupun sebelum ini majoriti ibu bapa menyokong agar hukuman merotan dikuatkuasakan semula namun ada beberapa pihak termasuk golongan peguam yang membantahnya.
“Sebab itu sebelum peraturan itu dikuatkuasakan semula, kerajaan merujuk kepada Peguam Negara untuk mendapatkan maklum balas dan cadangan terlebih dahulu,” katanya.
Beliau yang juga Ahli Parlimen Batu Pahat mengulas kejadian seorang pelajar tingkatan satu Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Tunku Putera Tongkang Pechah Batu Pahat cedera di lutut kiri selepas diserang dan dibelasah sekumpulan 12 pelajar ketika di dalam kelas, baru-baru ini.
It's high time that they introduced the punishment back. Wait, did they revoke the punishment? Oh damn, patut lar bebudak sekarang bertambah poyo dan kurang ajar.
I remembered back when my days at school, rotan punishment is nothing. Tak buat kerja sekolah? WHACK! Ponteng kelas? WHACK! Lawan cikgu? WHACK! Pukul cikgu? WHACK! WHACK! WHACK! Lepas tu buang sekolah.
All teacher's should be immune to being sued by parents for applying the rotan punishment. Semestinya kalau ada cikgu yang terlebih-lebih atau salah guna kuasa (pukul sampai tak ingat dunia or pukul kat tempat-tempat sensitif; kepala, etc) parents boleh buat laporan polis dan biar polis ambil tindakan.
Please jangan lar ikut sangat cara-cara Americans tu, diorang konon-konon mengamalkan HUMAN RIGHTS. Kita patut ikut balik cara British. Oh they were very stern, very stern educators...brrrrr...tanyalah parents kita...
I'm not suprised at all...
Taken from Mingguan Malaysia; Sunday, 10th May 2009:
‘Saya tidak akan berterima kasih’
TAIPING 9 Mei – ‘‘Minta maaf, saya tidak akan berterima kasih kepada kerajaan,’’ kata pemimpin Hindraf, P. Uthayakumar (gambar) sebaik dibebaskan dari Kem Tahanan Kamunting di sini, hari ini.
Beliau yang ditahan di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA) sejak Disember 2007 mendakwa, penahanannya di bawah akta itu dibuat tidak mengikut undang-undang.
Sehubungan itu, dakwa penasihat undang-undang pertubuhan haram itu, tiada sebab dia perlu berterima kasih kerana tidak melakukan kesalahan.
“Saya berterima kasih kepada penyokong-penyokong dan isteri saya tapi minta maaf, saya tidak akan berterima kasih kepada kerajaan,” katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita yang telah menunggunya sejak pukul 11 pagi di Kem Tahanan Kamunting dekat sini hari ini.
Berbeza dengan dua lagi pemimpin Hindraf yang turut dibebaskan iaitu Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) Kota Shah Alam, M. Manoharan, 48 dan K. Vasantha Kumar, 36, keadaan Uthayakumar kelihatan tidak terurus.
Ditanya keadaannya itu, Uthayakumar berkata, beliau sengaja tidak menyikat rambut dan janggut serta dibiarkan panjang sebagai tanda protes terhadap ISA.
Sementara itu, Uthayakumar mendakwa, pihak polis bertindak kasar terhadapnya apabila beliau menolak untuk menandatangani surat yang mengandungi syarat-syarat pembebasan.
I am not suprised at all. This is the kind of attitude we can expect from PEMBUAT KACAU which is PLENTIFUL today. Next time, I suggest people like this be banished from this country(instead of ISA) through this kind of method; strap a parachute on him, put him on a plane to the place of banishment and jump-kick him out of the plane. Pandai-pandai lar survive. Frankly I am tired with people with this kind of attitude. MACAM MELEPASKAN ANJING TERSEPIT. Memang anjing pun. Amik ko. Orang kesian kat bini dan anak-anak dia.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Took me 8 years...
When the movie went out somewhere in 2001, guys around my age and older(the 17-35 age demographic) went crazy about racing-specs Japanese cars. The Supra, RX-7 and other bunch of noisy, fast cars were the talk of the town(still is apparently). I on the other hand, being me; the not into "gempak-present-things-that-is-the-talk-of-the-town" person was slightly aware of it. Yeah, sure I know the movie. Everywhere people talk about it. It made more people aware that Japanese cars(lightly build, low fuel consumption, town rider specs) can actually go toe to toe with established racers from Europe and the US. At a lower price. That's the magic words :)
Back to me, maybe at that time I wasn't into cars. I played pc games a lot during that period (1999-2004) so my focus was on upgrading my gaming rig rather concentrating on things that I can't afford. I maybe sneered a little when my friends start talking about car things(and still is), style of driving(rather than drift or drag on paved road I preffered racing rally style, and yes, still do), auto parts and physics of racing(oh yeah, when they start talking about that I humm a song and try to think something nice :P)
Well people changed when they get older and so do I. I mean I still play games on what free times I had, updating myself on the ICT stuffs so that I can catch up with my work and all, but last few years when I start earning, I started to care for my 16 years old beaten up Wira. I try to educate myself on all thing cars(eventhough my dad always brought me to the workshop since I was 7 to familiarised me with this greasy automobile world), actually understands what the guys was talking about when it came to cars and even read car magazines like Top Gear and such. It took me 8 years to fully appreciate The Fast and The Furious...I am as what they say...a late comer...
Fast and Furious 5 is in development. Paul Walker said, “I’ve spoken with executives at Universal at this point and they’re pretty serious about it. They’re developing it. They know where they want it to take place. They want to do it in Europe.” Vin Diesel has also stated that he always planned to make two more films. "I try to think out the story even before we go to shoot the film that's at hand," he said. "So, yes I had been thinking about it. I actually thought of shooting both of the movies back-to-back with Universal with the president of Universal and he was like, 'What? We're just getting our feet back together.'
-So, Bentley Continental GT anyone? :P
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Fuh, penat but still standing with head high in defiance :)
I've done some thinking lately; am I too nice? Being an overall nice guy seems to bring good to the environment and society but inside it does not feel nice at all; at least not most of the time. Shall I be the insensitive prick who only thinks of himself and use people for their own selfish reason or shall I assume the uncaring attitude and becoming someone who does not give f**ks to everything and anything? Or shall I be a little bit of both and add to the world another a**hole to ruin someone's life and day? Please Allah, I don't want to be jaded like this, give me strength to overcome the obstacles in my life and give me extra, extra patience to deal with a**holes everywhere :p Yeah, I'm not as much as a saint but I don't think I ever hurt others feeling or like the Malay says all the time "tak suka menyusahkan orang lain" :)
And now KJ has won the coveted UMNO Youth leadership and everything becoming bleak more and more. Yet somehow there's a voice whispering somewhere; "give this guy a chance to prove himself, just wait and see and if he doesn't perform or became too power hungry I'm sure Najib can boot him before it's too late" And that's what I'm going to do for the time being...